All Developers of projects identified in the 3rd Schedule of the Act and detailed in the 1st Schedule of the EIA and Audit Regulations of 2005 are required to undertake Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) prior to the commencement or financing of the project.
Submitting an application for the EIA certificate by filling in a Preliminary Environmental Assessment Registration Form The application fee is TZs 200,000/= equivalent USD 100. NB: Please use Registered Environmental Experts when filling in registration form and during preparation of the project
Return to NEMC three copies of a duly filled Application Form attached with 10 copies of the Project Brief for screening.
Contract an Environmental Expert/EIA Consultant to prepare a Scoping Report and Terms of Reference (TORs) for conducting the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and submit them to NEMC for review and approval before the commencement of the EIA study.
Conduct EIA study (by the Consultant) according to the approved TOR.
Submit an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) also called Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report to NEMC for review by a Cross-sectoral Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).
The Consultant will make improvements of the EIS by incorporating all comments and recommendations raised by the TAC.
The Consultant will submit the improved (final) version of the EIS to NEMC for final scrutiny. NEMC will forward recommendations to the Minister for Environment for final approval.
Upon signing of the Certificate by the Minister, it will be brought back to NEMC for collection by the Developer.
The signed EIS Certificate will be attached with the General and Specific conditions that must be adhered to by the Developer.